Grandfather Miyake (Mom's Dad), with brother George, sister Amy, and Yoriko Ann (Mom)...
Janet - first-born of "The Kids"...
Mom and Dad with baby Janet - ain't she the cute one...!
The Nagai family - Mom&Dad, Gordon, David, and Gene - Janet is taking the photograph as the designated photographer...
The Nagai kids - David, Janet, Gordon, and Gene (and Skipper) - circa 1949-50...
Family Portrait - circa 1941 - Mom&Dad, Gene, Gordon, Janet - must be just before the outbreak of WWII, and all's well...
Mom&Dad were extremely patriotic, 200% so - maybe a compensation for being suspect during WWII - our home was filled with partiotic things, including a large American flag on an 8 foot standard next to the fireplace; a wood carving done by my grandfather of an American eagle clutching an American flag in one claw, with the dome of the U.S. Capitol in the background; crochetted doilies on the arms and headrests of overstuffed chairs and sofas with themes such as "In God We Trust" around a central American flag... |
Mom - President, the Women's Society, Atwater Methodist Church; President of the Atwater Elementary School PT/A; leader of a Cub Scout Pack; farm owner and farmer; home-maker; wife; mother...