Casey joined a group of Cub Scouts from the Arts and Technology Academy, Venice's school, on a tour of the Air and Space Museum at the Eugene Airport. As siblings and friends were invited, Venice went on the tour, too.The tour was guided by a retired military pilot, who was a full-fledged and rugged archetype of the air warrior of old., pretty much in the mold of legendary pilot Chuck Yeager, but more soft spoken and gentle - He knew his stuff, which was the Right Stuff... |
Our guide described the various aircraft, giving specifications and fun anecdotes of former pilots who flew them. The MIG 15 fighter outside was donated by a local former pilot who flew during the Korean War, who acquired the former enemy fighter and actually flew it and survived a major fire onboard - major portions of the tail assembly were destroyed, but he landed safely. The Scouts were enthralled by these powerful flying machines - As was Jiichan, the old nostalgic flying machine buff... |