On one of the Jiichan outings for the month Casey and Venice elected to go to the Science Factory near Autzen Stadium - The interactive displays for this exhibit period are highlighting construction and building concepts and exercises, and the two played on a variety of bridge building exhibits, toyed with voice and music on microphones, and helped direct traffic patterns on a traffic control model - There was even an earth quake machine showing effects with various construction models... |
There were times with family at Panorama Drive, and one it snowed and within a couple of hours it stopped and the sun came out - This is Oregon. Xander and Teiya enjoyed a Jiichan outing for their turn at McDonalds where they played on the play structure. Then, on another day Venice and Xander drew a hopscotch on our driveway, and jumped for everything they were worth...
Casey also went on a Cub Scout outing to the Air and Space Museum at the airport... |