Xander is full of energy, and is almost always in motion - if not in motion, he is focused within the world of various activities and can entertain himself for minutes. While he loves to have adults around him, he is often content to explore all the nooks and crannies of his world, both indoors an out. He loves his older sister, Venice, and mimics and copies her actions - here he plays a duet for six hands and scrunced faces... |
Xander is fascinated with his entire world, and can examine a foam toy under the faucet during a bath, as water cascades over it while held in his teeth - experimentation is everything, and he makes the most of it all. He loved the time at Aunt Janet's over Thanksgiving, meeting many of the extended family, and playing with cousin Teiya - more wonderful worlds to explore, and this time with cousin, Teiya... |