Xander is walking easily now, and beginning to speak more clearly - he says "milk" and you can hear the "k" sound, and is even putting together multiple word sentences. One day while the Rocklin family visited the Berkeley homestead, Venice and Casey got into fingerpainting, and Xander wanted to try his hand at it, too - ok, his fingers - he didn't do a bad job of it, and in fact didn't end up a colorful mess. And of course he watches Venice and Casey with a hawk's eye, and tries to imitate what he sees - well, except that he did dip his fingers into the sandtray water and put it into his mouth, something they know not to do... |
The 4th of July brought out a ton of kids from the surrounding neighborhoods, and some friends from a little farther away - but, it was nice and hot, there was plenty of food, and a bike parade of patriotically decorated bicycles. Xander rode around in his decorated Big Red Car, with its 1-papa-power engine fueled by bottled beer. There was also a pinata, and Xander took a mighty swing at the hearty party bird, and later had a most convenient seat to watch the fireworks before beddy-bye time. The end of the month saw the Berkeley and Alameda clans visiting at the end of their Northern Exposure trek, and Xander took to catching air off the Ottoman... |