The day of the party things were in a very excited state at Blacktail Drive - and well it should have been, with a bubblegum pink castle in the living room with a magnificent golden brown rooster weather vane on top. There was also a pre-birthday party party at Granny's and Jiichan's the Thursday before, so Venice actually had two cakes to celebrate reaching 6 years of age. As befitted the day, the birthday cake was a pink castle with faeries atop. For the party Venice had invited 4 girls and 4 boys from her classroom, plus brother Xander and cousins Casey and Teiya - a nice sized group for the fun-filled celebration... |
With the theme around the fairy castle, it was fitting that the girls made fluffy fairy wings to go with their fairy wands, while the boys made shields of the cardboard cutouts from the windows of the castle and decorated them with appropriate manly designs. Cameron missed the better part of the party, but he and his parents stayed for dinner to make up for it...
We set up a studio backdrop to take portraits of all the kids, and ended up with very nice captures of each precious fairy and gallant knight - And, Papa Chris celebrated his birthday with a cake in the form of a special cup of coffee... |