Casey's avid fascination with dinosaurs continues - for Christmas Granny and Jiichan got him an encyclopedia of dinosaurs, which he reads on his own for pleasure. He tosses around Jurassic and Cretacious along with Ankylosaurus and Dimetrodon...
Casey and Jiichan regularly visit the Lawrence Hall of Science where there are some 5-6 animated dinosaurs - that's a veloceraptor mid-way through the photos... |
The Nagai-Bailey-Beyer family clan gathered early this month to celebrate the January birthdays of Casey, Xander, and Jiichan - Casey's 4th, Xander's 1st, and Jiichan's 68th. The original date was in January but calendars got fouled up, so we delayed the fun and games for the "three birthday guys"...
Herewith are included scenes from Lawrence Hall of Science, Jack London Square, and Lincoln Park in Alameda... |