Welcome to our Home Page - We hope you enjoy your visit and find things that touch a sympathetic chord within to take away with you...
You will find a major section that shares our love especially of family, and others that explore a fascination with the mind and heart....You will see through the photographs here a deep love of photography, and for what it can do in capturing people - for a more serious look at the photographic work of the resident artist, the bottom button of the Site Map on the left will take you to Gordon's professional site - enjoy the adventure...
While here, feel free to cruise around this attic trunk of a site and see what you find of interest. Then, we hope you'll tell a friend your experiences here - better yet, tell a couple of friends, share with your family, and come back again and stay a spell...
And if you feel so inclined, leave a message for us through the email link at the bottom of the Site Map - be sure to note on the Subject line that you're coming from this web site, as we routinely delete anything without a Subject entry or names that we don't recognize... |